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Welcome to Gizmo Cattery



The Jerry Miller Award was created out of respect for a man who dedicated much of his spare time to the advancement and promotion of the Canadian Cat Association during his lifetime.

This award is presented annually to a CCA member that demonstrates the type of devotion and passion for CCA and the cats that we love and celebrate this evening.

Claire Lamontagne became a member of the Club Félin de Montreal shortly after beginning her Burmese breeding program under the cattery name 'Gizmo'. Over the years, Claire has performed many duties for the club including hospitality and judges' coordinator. Claire takes her responsibilities seriously, and when faced with an obstacle she is able to overcome it with charm, diplomacy and a great sense of humour!

Claire actively promotes and increases awareness of CCA in Quebec as a member of the Club Félin de Montreal, and a CCA registered breeder. Over the years Claire has belonged to, or assisted other clubs in Quebec with the preparations for their shows. Her advice is often sought after by show committees and other members of the cat fancy.

Claire is a dedicated Burmese breeder who's first priority is the health and happiness of every cat she produces. Her diligent efforts have rewarded her in the show ring as well as in the hearts of her kitten's new owners.

Claire Lamontagne is not someone who searches for or needs the spotlight, but she is deserving of it as she exemplifies the spirit of CCA and the man the award is named after. BRAVO

Congratulations Bob and Elaine,
(June 2007)

'"Fenton is resting in his Condo''
GP. Laki's Fenton of Gizmo

Noel Des Chats Nov 2013,
PR Hullabaloo Purrfect Kami of Gizmo, champagne female,
3rd best of the best neuter cat

Cat show - Laval 2012, 2nd best kitten of the best kitten Laval June 2012– 
Hullabaloo Purrfect Kami of Gizmo – champagne female


left - CH & GPR Stagelight's Diamonique of Gizmo 
right  -CH Gizmo's Jessica Babe - Platinum female.

CH Jessica , platinum female with her trophy, 
for the Best Burmese Kitten 2009-2010. 


In Three Rivers on June 15th, 2008 with Hullaballo's Svetlana of Gizmo a sable female.

In Three Riveres on May 21, 2006
Gizmo's Danyka a platinum female received the Best of the Best 3rd place.

This past weekend in Kingston Ontario, Gizmo's Danyka
a platinum female obtained The Best of the Best 3rd place
kitten on Sunday February 12th, 2006.

The Best of the Best Kitten on June 11, 2005 -
Claire with Kalyna - Champagne Female.


Patricia Slater

This is the plaque that our family donated for the Best Burmese
in memory of my associate and best friend Patricia Slater of Tiverton Cattery
 who lived in Toronto Ontario.  I miss her a lot. 
On the photo is, André, Claire and Carole Lamontagne


Claire & Carole Lamontagne


Many people have asked us when we started and how. Carole who is my partner and oldest daughter was first attracted to the Burmese in the late 80’s at the Place Bonaventure Show (Le Noel Des Chats), which is organized by Le Club Felin de Montreal (of which we are members).

Our Cattery opened its doors in the early 90’s after falling in love with the breed and soon after it was registered under the name of "Gizmo". Why Gizmo. Well we all loved the Movie Gremlins and the good guy was Gizmo. We are registered in the CCA (Canadian Cat Association), CFA (Cat Fanciers Association), and TICA (The International Cat Association). 

Our beginning as Breeders was not without bumps, however over the years we have made many friends in the fancy who have helped us by sharing their experience, time and knowledge to help make us better breeders. Our thanks go out to each and everyone involved. 

We have kept our cattery small, and we specialize in the four recognized North American Colors which are blue, platinum, champagne and zibeline.




A photo of Danyka a platinum female and Katrova, a blue female. 

Traditional Burmese Cats
Claire & Carole Lamontagne
Brossard, Québec,
Canada, J4Y 0R5

©All text unless credited otherwise and the compilation of data is the copyrighted property of Claire & Carole Lamontagne (Gizmo Cattery), and may not be used, copied, distributed, or otherwise taken without express, advance, written permission.  All photographic illustration elements are the copyrighted property of Richard Katris of Chanan Photography and may not be used without permission.  Other photographs are the copyrighted property of their respective photographers.


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©2004 Gizmo Cattery, Claire & Carole Lamontagne
Exclusive copyrights, graphics and content. Forbidden distribution and reproduction.